Case Testimonials

 In Case Testimonials

Case 1: Green Stool & Fever

3 year old with Green stool x 10 days
Fever x 5 days intermittent
Fussiness, clingy and whiny x 5 days intermittent

Treated with herbaceuticals and homeopathy, and follow up
Only gave the homeopathic remedy, not tea. Poop is normal again! the child is no longer clingy and fussy. Mom reports she saw an improvement over night with the remedy- fevers gone. Full recovery.

Case 2: GERD

Had an Endoscopy done which showed gastritis,and GERD.
Got body type done about 2 weeks ago. Has been sticking to diet. Drinking distilled water as she was told by Body Type expert.
Since starting body type diet about 2 weeks ago and noticed reflux issues lessened.

Case 3: Diarrhea

3 year old with painless explosive diarrhea for 11 days. Responded in 12 hours to homeopathic treatment, and diarrhea resolved!

Case 4: UTI

17 y/o female seen for UTI. Did homeopathic cantharis for 3 days with all symptoms resolving!

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