In Ask Dr. Franz

Q: What do you think of hyperemesis?

ANS: It is awful.

“Hyperemesis Gravidarum typically includes nausea that doesn’t go away and severe vomiting that causes severe dehydration and doesn’t allow you to keep any food or fluids down. The symptoms of HG begin within the first six weeks of pregnancy, and nausea often doesn’t go away. HG can be extremely debilitating and cause fatigue that lasts for weeks or months.” Seems to be connected to HCG in pregnancy. (meaning they are not sure why it happens…)

I would recommend homeopathic nux vomica. Nux vomica is wonderful for typical morning sickenss of pregnancy- or any digestive upset. I would start here. If the nux does not help then acuuncture will. You can do both at the same t ime! Vomiting is energy going the wrong way- up and out rather than down and out -and acupuncture is wonderful for correcting that.

I found this lovely website with other remedies fro hyperemesis. We do carry many of them in the higher potency that will be more helpful than the strength in the health food stores.

HG makes pregnancy awful..and I have great empathy for women who experience it.

Thanks for asking.

We love helping improve the health of your family.

Dr Franz


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