ASK DR FRANZ 8-12-18

 In Ask Dr. Franz

Q: What are three things you wish you had known as a new parent about your newborn that you think would be helpful for other new parents to know?

Ans: This will be different for different parents..and it is a broad based question (and a good one!) Some people would want to know physical things- I am going to answer in a bigger way.

  1. First- YOU were born to do this. YOU were born to be a mother and you can take care of this baby. You CAN breast feed. You CAN overcome all the little obstacles that occur!
  2. Babies are resilient! They can tolerate so much and bounce back. DO NOT BE AFRAID of your little one. No need to be rough and yet you do not need to treat them like fine porcelain that will break any minute.
  3. This is the greatest thing you have ever done. This child changes everything! The most surprising thing to me was the immediate deep seeded love and the realization that anyone who would hurt my child would be injured immediately. The rest is just facts…feed- clean- bathe -dress -change -diaper–repeat.

Thanks for asking!

We love helping improve the health of your family.

Dr Franz

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