Case Testimonials

 In Case Testimonials

Case 1: Cough

A 14-month-old was seen in February 2021 for cough. Was resolved in one month (3/21/21) and later had cough again. They developed fever. Very fussy, no sleeping and cries when lying flat while better sitting up. No one else sick at home. Very, very fussy and clingy.
Recommended our nontraditional enhanced protocols.

Saw for follow up on 4/6/21
Mom did everything as instructed and said it helped him so much and he was all better!!! Daycare was closed due to Covid so has been home with mom. No fever, happy and eating and drinking and sleeping well. No more snot, no more cough, no pulling on ears. Case Resolved.

Case 2: Eczematous Patches

12-month-old seen for eczematous patches on arms and legs. Mom was on dairy and gluten and was instructed to stop both. She did. Then one of our herbaceuticals was added for 30 days.

On follow up: This baby’s skin is so soft! She is still rough in smaller diameters on knees and elbows and the elbow creases are no longer pink.

Case 3: Rash

2.5-year-old seen for rash that developed after playing in lagoon and sand. Used one of our topical herbaceuticals 3x a day and on follow up 2 weeks later, the rash was cleared.

Case 4: Viral Illness

Almost 4-year-old with viral illness and ear pain. Put on herbaceutical orally and ear drops for ear pain. Mom reported improvement in 24 hours and all symptoms resolved by follow up 6 days later.

Case 5: Cough, Congestion, Fatigue

5-year-old seen for fever 102, cough, congestion, fatigue. Put on a homeopathic remedy and herbaceutical orally. Seen in follow up 4 days later and was completely better. “back to normal” per mom.

Case 6: Viral Illness

13-month-old seen for viral illness and diaper rash. Was clingy, whiny. Put on herbaceutical and homeopathic remedy. The whiny clingy resolved in 24 hours with the remedy. The congestion resolved in 5 days.

Case 7: Urinary Tract Infection

5-year-old in office with UTI and fever of 102. Given a homeopathic remedy for fever and in 5 minutes fever was 98.2.

Case 8: Eczema

7 month old with eczema used our skin herbaceutical (Schmoove) and the eczema cleared up.

Case 9: Sleep Walking

5 year old who is sleep walking in his bedroom and will do so with crying if he is tired. Mom gave phos bid for 7-10 days and has had no sleep walking since! It’s been over a month.

Fussy, whiney/clingy, fever 102+. Brother had pneumonia and OM and mom very concerned. Gave Pulsatilla and noticed an improvement in 1-2 hours in mood.
With that and teas (Croopy Cough and Upset Tummy), was mostly improved in 2 days and “all better” by 3rd day!

Case 10: Breast Feeding

1 month old who was not gaining weight breast feeding. Mom used a homeopathic remedy for 7 days and on follow up baby gained weight and mom reported her milk was really in!!

Case 11: Allergies & Eczema

First visit 4/9/19
Follow up 4/15/19
Follow up 8/10/19

The patient is here for the first time for consultation on allergies and eczema. Patient says she has had eczema for all her life and allergies started 6 year old when move back from Costa Rica. She has allergy flares Mid Jan to April to Early May the worst for her. The patient says when she was in Costa Rica her allergies subsided, and so did her eczema. She is dairy free for about 4 years. No cough, no congestion, no headache, no abdominal pain, no vomiting, no nausea, no diarrhea, no constipation.

Used topical and oral herbaceuticals.

First follow up: The patient is doing better with skin and reports coming off of Zyrtec because is doing better since taking the herbaceutical. Patients’ skin is improved.

Second follow up: is visibly doing better says she feels better and is all smiles and her skin looks better. No allergic shiners visible, around her neck and under her chin area feels smooth to touch and less dark.

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